Thursday, 30 July 2009

How to manually update Avira Antivir Personal Edition version 9

Avira Antivirus product an Personal Edition version 9 (freeware). In the version 9 has added several new features and improvements to the database engine so that further increase the accuracy in detecting the virus-the virus that developed at this time. To have your antivirus to work optimally you need to update regularly. Can update way online or manually (offline).

1. after you download and install avira antivirus on your computer. then you need to update antivirus databases on a regular base, in order to identify the latest virus-virus.

2.Update online:
Right-click on the icon avira (on the taskbar to the right below)
select the Start Update ...

2. If you want to update manually (offline) then you must have defenition file, you can copy the friends I already have the update file, or download directly on the site authorized.
you can download here

3. To start the update manually (offline)
On the menu bar select "Update -> Manual Update ..

4. Dialog box will appear as below
Find the folder / file that contains update antivirus
Click Open
Then you will start antivirus updated

5. To download the installer Antivir, click here

Subtract matrix

Microsoft excel provides a function to subtract martiks. Matrix reduction process in accordance with the rules of the matrix, the matrix can be deducted if it has the same order.
Here we will try to subtract two matrix (order 4x4)

1. Create a matrix as below (only accecories brackets, can be ignored)

2. Block range to put the results of reduction (adjust the order of the matrix that will be deducted)

3. Type the formula:
= A4: C7-E4: G7

Perform array by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter

4. The result will look like the image below

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

How to Use Facebook Chat Emoticons

To create any of these emoticons, locate the symbols on your keyboard and enter them in the text field of your Facebook Chat window.
Remember, some symbols will require hitting the SHIFT key.

Facebook Chat Emoticons

:) - happy

:( - sad

:P - tongue

:D - grin

:O - gasp

;) - wink

8) - glasses

B) - sunglasses

:3 - cute/cat-like

>:( - grumpy

:/ - unsure

:’( - cry

3:) - devil

O:) - angel

:-* - kiss

^_^ - “kiki”

-_- - squint

O.o - confused

>:O - upset

<3 - heart :v - Pacman :|] - robot :putnam: - Chris Putnam (Facebook Engineer)

Matrix multiplication

Microsoft excel provides a function for matrix multiplication. Matrix multiplication process in microsoft excel accordance with the rules of the matrix. As with addition and pegurangan matrix. In our matrix multiplication is also doing an array of product from range of data. we will try to multiply two matrix (3x3 order)

1. Create a matrix as below (only accecories bracket, can be ignored)

2. Block range to put the product (adjusted order to the matrix results)
Order the product matrix = (mxn) (mxn) = (nxm)

3. Type the formula:

Perform array by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter

4. The result will look like the image below

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Counting the number of characters

In the microsoft excel, you can count the number of characters (text or numbers), for example could see data table below
In column A is the set of characters, which will be selected and counted characters A, B, A1, A1B2, A2B1

To calculate the character, then create the following fomula:
In cell B6, type the formula:
= LEN (A6) - LEN (Substitute (A6, "A ",""))
in C6 cell type the formula:
= LEN (A6) - LEN (Substitute (A6, "B ",""))
in D6 cell type the formula:
= (LEN (A6) - LEN (Substitute (A6, "A1 ","")))/ 2
in E6 cell type the formula:
= (LEN (A6) - LEN (Substitute (A6, "A1B2 ","")))/ 4
in F6 cell type the formula:
= (LEN (A6) - LEN (Substitute (A6, "A2B1 ","")))/ 4

Choosing the existing text in brackets

Maybe there are friends who sometimes find the excel data format such as the table below

look at column A, contain data a name and email,
in the following cases we can choose an email-only (character / text in bracket)

To select an existing text in brackets, on the cell B5 type the formula:

= MID (A5, FIND ("(", A5) +1, FIND (")", A5)-FIND ("(", A5) -1)

Power Function

Microsoft excel has provided power function. You can calculate the power of a number. For example you can see the following examples:

1. create a table like the following
We will calculate the power of the existing numbers in column A, then calculate the power (power 2 in column B) and power 4 in column C

2. Below we will try to use the power formula;
General formula:

= POWER (number, power)

a. the input formula B4 cells
= POWER (A4, 2)
b. In the cells enter the formula C 4
= POWER (A4, 4)

You also can use another formula, such as:
General formula

= number ^ power

a. In cell B11 type the formula
= A11 ^ 2
b.a In cell C11 type formula
= A11 ^ 4

You can see the result as below

Function square root (square)

Microsoft excel provides a function to calculate (calculate) the root of a number, you can calculate the square root, cube root, and so on.

Here is a simple example:

1. Create a table like the following
(table with a light blue background, not fill because the content will be filled a formula)

2. In cell B4 content of the formula:

= SQRT (A4)

other than the above formula you can use the formula:
a. B10 cells, you can calculate the square root of the number of cells with the formula A10:

= A10 ^ 0.5

b. or in cell C 10, you can calculate the cube root of the number of cells with the formula A10:

= A10 ^ (1 / 3)

the result will look like the image below

Trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan)

One of the mathematical functions that can be used in the microsoft excel is trigonometric functions. some of these trigonometric functions is to calculate the sine (sin), cosine (cos) or tangent (tan) of a corner.

In order to more easily able to see the example below:

1. Create a table:


2. the color table gray background will be filled with the formula
a. To calculate the sine value, in cell B4 type the formula:
= SIN ((A4) * PI () / 180)

b. To calculate the sine value, in cell C4 type formula:
= COS ((A4) * PI () / 180)

c. To calculate the sine value, in the D4 cell type formula:
= TAN ((A4) * PI () / 180)

sin cos tan

Matrix addition

 Microsoft excel provides a function to martix addition. Add process in accordance with the rules of the matrix, the matrix can be added if they have the same order.
Here we will try to add the matrix (4X4 order)

1. Create a matrix as below (only accecories barcket, can be ignored)

matrix addition

2. Block range to put the sum (adjusted the same order of a matrix that will add )

3. Type the formula:
= A4: C7-E4: G7


Perform array by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter

4. The result will look like the image below

Monday, 27 July 2009

GFZ Potsdam - Earthquake Bulletin

GFZ Potsdam - Earthquake Bulletin a real-time bulletin is a product of the GEOFON Extended Virtual Network (GEVN) and credit belongs to all involved institutions!

You can view information about the location of the earthquake in realtime
To view information, click on the origin time


GFZ Potsdam - Earthquake Bulletin
Region: Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi
Time: 2009-07-27 13:30:55.3 UTC
Magnitude: 4.5
Epicenter: 123.45°E 0.09°S
Depth: 140 km
Status: manually revised


If you want to access the webiste GFZ, please click here

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Free download manga (Japanese comics)

For you who like to fill empty time with reading the manga, then you can read or download the manga (Japanese comics) in One Manga site.

Collection sites in the manga its more bearable, such as the Naruto manga, Bleach, One Piece, Claymore, Hana Kimi, Vampire Knight, and others.

If you want to download please click here

Free Manga

Windows Defender

Windows Defender is a free program that helps you stay productive by protecting your computer against pop-ups, slow performance and security threats caused by spyware and other potentially unwanted software.

Supported Operating Systems:
1.Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1
2.Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2
3.Windows XP Service Pack 2

If you want to download please click here

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Remote Sensing Software

Remote Sensing data is processed and analyzed with computer software, known as a remote sensing application. A large number of commercial and open source applications exist to process remote sensing data.
The most used applications among Asian academic groups involved in remote sensing are as follows:
a. Raster based:
2. ERMapper
4. PCI Geomatica
5. Ilwis
6. Global Mapper, etc

b. Vector based:
1. ESRI (Arc Info,Arc View & Arc GIS)
2. MapInfo
3. AutoDesk Map (AutoCAD Map)
4. Surfer, etc

Friday, 3 July 2009

Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop: The Basics of ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo for ArcGIS 9

This book provides a tour of the ArcGIS integrated development environments for ArcMap and ArcCatalog, and it does a good job of it. It's definitely intended for absolute newcomers to ArcGIS software-- it walks you through step-by-step exercises to explore many of the software's features.

The step-by-step exercises are carefully written and extremely detailed-- almost too detailed. Each exercise gives full instructions for every step, even steps you performed in earlier exercises. I wish the book would have only given detailed instructions the first time you performed a particular task. I think this would help the reader commit the information to memory and really learn the software instead of just following the steps again in each exercise.

With revised material and new exercises based on ArcGIS version 9, this updated work acquaints geographers and GIS professionals with the principles of GIS as it teaches the mechanics of using ArcGIS software. Conceptual material is followed by scripted software exercises. Necessary GIS skills are presented in a variety of areas-map symbology, data overlay, map projection, and data conversion-as the making of maps and the analysis of geographic data is conceptualized. Spatial modeling exercises using the ModelBuilder technology of ArcGIS version 9 are also provided. Other topics covered include organizing data, planning a GIS project, creating derived data, and presenting results.

Book Preview

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