Saturday, 14 February 2009

Speed up close an error application (crash applications) in windows xp

Sometimes in your computer because of the influence of bug or because the quota runs out of memory the application program which runs suddenly hangs. There are a few tips to speed up the application that hangs close it (windows xp version)

I. First way
1. Magic 3 key combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete (all three keys pressed simultaneously), after a Windows dialog box appears select Task manager Processes tab, select the application that hangs, for example: DAP.exe (Download Accelerator Plus), then press the End Process (waiting application to close the error, usually need some seconds)

windos xp error application
II. Both ways (the registry settings)

1. At the start menu, Select Run type regedit, press OK

2. In the dialog box select the registry editor:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop \ HungApp Timeout

crash windows
3. Double kilk on HungApp Timeout, in the Edit String dialog box, type 1000 on the value of data

windows error
Click OK, and close the registry editor.
Restrart your computer. So the process of closing the application you can more quickly.
If an application hangs, how do the first, hopefully the process of closing an application that faster.

How to add Windows fonts

If you feel that the time a windows font on your computer is still a lot less, then you can download the font from several sources that are free. You only need to enter the font you have downloaded into your Windows font directory.

To begin the process of adding fonts to Windows to do the following procedures:
1. Try the site below for free fonts, click here

2. Once the page appears the following site, select the Font category (in this case I take a name based on the font alphabet only, by pressing A)

free font

3. At the bottom of the page will show some type of font, along with examples. We only take Action Man. (please select the appropriate alphabetical another taste)
Click the Download button Win Font

free windows font

4. Because the file is still in terkompres condition, use the application unkompres (unzip, WinZip, winrar, or unzip the windows default). Extract the file.
windows xp font

5. Select the font file in the top (use Ctrl + Mouse Click) to select the font files (file extension is the font. Ttf or True Type Font File)
Right-click on the file that has been terseleksi on (or press Ctrl + C)
add windows font
6. Go to the directory: C: \ Windows \ Fonts
Make a Paste command (Ctrl + V), the font will be added on to Windows

windows xp

7. To test, whether the fonts work well, try to open Microsoft applications Word, or Excel. If there are fonts Action Man in the ListBox Font, success means you have to add fonts to Windows.

font windows
8. You can do the above by using another font.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Screenshot display on the screen-based mobile nokia symbian

Maybe you need software that can be installed to your Nokia phone, the following software you can use to sceenshot display your mobile phone. This software is useful for creating images to complement your mobile phone tutorial.

Some type of nokia mobile phones supported by this software are:

1. Screenshot for Symbian OS (S60 3rd Edition) version 3:01
Supported devices: Nokia 3250, N71, N73, N75, N76, N80, N81, N82, N91, N92, N93, N95, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90.

2. Screenshot for Symbian OS (S60 3rd Edition) version 3:03 - unsigned
Supported devices: Nokia 3250, N71, N73, N75, N76, N80, N81, N82, N91, N92, N93, N95, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90.

3. Screenshot for Symbian OS (S60 1st/2nd Edition) version 2:50
Supported devices: Nokia 3230, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 6260, 6600, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, 7650, N70, N72, N90, N-Gage, N-Gage QD

All you do is download the installer file screenshot_S60_2.50.sis, at the following site:

Then install the file. once installed in your phone, you can enter to activate the menu => time => scrnshot

screenshoot nokia

screenshot symbian
Select scrnshot, press the OK button, the screen shot will be active

symbian application
You can start to do a screenshot by pressing the edit button combinations and OK at the same time, the automatic display on the screen to be recorded in the form of a jpg.

Description: The image above is the result of the screenshots

Remove curve at the bottom of the text

If you feel disturbed by the curve that appears below the text you have specified

Can be removed to use the following ways. May be able to work on your Word.
1. On the menubar select Tools => Options

word 2003

2. In the Option dialog box select the Spelling & Grammar tab, the default view as the image below

3. In the spelling if it is checked, check to be separated the top 3 items
On the Grammar check lepas
a. Check grammar as you type
b. Check grammar with spelling

4. If successful then the curve in the bottom of the text will be gone, To return it
check back a second option that you loose checklist.

Recovery of data lost due to deleted or formatted using pandora

I format the c partition windows os in laptop hard drives, because I forget to backup myfiles finally word file that contains tasks lecture also automatically deleted. Because the lazy type again I try browsing software on the internet. I can finally free software named Pandora .. I try to install the pandora and direct search of missing file ...., after waiting 1 hour, finally seek out the missing file. thanks for the Pandora team have created a free software that very helpful for recovery missing files. For friends who may accidentally delete a file can try use this software.

Currently pandora file size: 3.Mb, version 2.0.7


Top ten antivirus

All antivirus software is not created equal. Like any other category of consumer goods, it has its good, its bad and its mediocre. The choices are broad and wide. Software offerings from around the globe grace the reviews of antivirus software at TopTenReviews, but in your efforts to decide which best antivirus software to buy, remember that it really comes down to just two factors: user-friendliness and effectiveness.

Top antivirus software should be easy enough for a computer user to both install and install. The software should effectively seek out and identify virus threats, as well as clean or isolate infected files. There should be understandable reporting available for each scan and plenty of help support available, so you can be well-informed of the software’s activities and capabilities. Below are the criteria TopTenREVIEWS uses to evaluate antivirus software.

  • Ease of Use
  • Effective at Identifying Viruses and Worms
  • Effective at Cleaning or Isolating Infected Files
  • Activity Reporting
  • Feature Set
  • Ease of Installation and Setup .
  • Help Documentation
This is top ten antivirus from website

1.BitDefender Antivirus
2. Kaspersky Anti-Virus
3. Webroot Antivirus
4. G DATA AntiVirus
5. ESET Nod32
6. ParetoLogic Anti-Virus PLUS
7. AVG Anti-Virus
8. Vipre Antivirus + Antispyware
9. F-Secure Anti-Virus
10. Trend Micro

Prevent Virus Attack Yahoo Messenger

Coutsonif.A virus attacks that threaten the user's Yahoo Messenger and Skype should be prevented. This virus spreads by sending itself to all contacts in the address of the application from the infected computer.

Message glance like a message in general. But do not click the link to a given, though sent by your friend. The message was not sent by your colleagues, but by viruses that have been successful partners infect your computer.

Well, if already infected, then it will automatically create a random file name with the extension. Tmp and. Exe that will be stored in the directory [C: \ Documents and Settings \% username% \ Local Settings \ Temp] with the name of the different .

If you are like this, the user is not quiet on the message or browsing the internet again. Moreover, can-do reputation is damaged because of allegedly spreading the virus as well. For the friends of the recipient of a suspect who deliberately harm themselves with because they do not intentionally send viruses.

So, before the incident occurred. There are 6 well you see how right to eradicate destructive virus attacks the good name of a chat application such as this release Vaksincom:

1. Disable 'System Restore' during the cleaning process.
2. Disable Windows autorun, so the virus can not be activated automatically when the access to the drive / flash disk.
* Click the 'start'
* Click 'run'
* Type 'GPEDIT.MSC', without quotes. Then the screen will display 'Group Policy'
* In the 'Computer Configuration and User Configuration,' click 'Administrative templates'
* Click the 'System'
* Right click on 'Turn On Autoplay', select 'Properties'. Then the screen will appear 'on Tun Autoplay propeties'
* In the tabulation 'Settings', select' Enabled '
* In the 'Tun off Autoplay on' select 'All drives'
* Click 'Ok'

3. Turn off the virus, use the tools' security task manager 'and delete the file [sysmgr.exe, vshost.exe, winservices.exe, *. tmp]

Just a note,. Tmp files that have indicated an extension TMP [example: 5755.tmp]. Right-click on the file and select 'Remove', select the option 'Move files to Quarantine.

4. Repair registry that has been modified by the virus. To speed up the process of elimination, please copy the script below on the program with a notepad and save repair.inf name. Run the file in the following manner: repair.inf Right-click, and select install.

Signature = "$ Chicago $"
Provider = Vaksincom Oyee

AddReg = UnhookRegKey
DelReg = del


HKLM, Software \ CLASSES \ batfile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "
HKLM, Software \ CLASSES \ comfile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "
HKLM, Software \ CLASSES \ exefile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "
HKLM, software \ CLASSES \ piffile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "
HKLM, Software \ CLASSES \ regfile \ shell \ open \ command,,, "regedit.exe"% 1 ""
HKLM, software \ CLASSES \ scrfile \ shell \ open \ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "
HKLM, SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon, Shell, 0, "Explorer.exe"
HKCU, SessionInformation, ProgramCount, 0x00010001, 3
HKCU, AppEvents \ schemes \ Apps \ Explorer \ BlockedPopup \. Current,,, "C: \ WINDOWS \ media \ Windows XP Pop-up Blocked.wav"
HKCU, AppEvents \ schemes \ Apps \ Explorer \ EmptyRecycleBin \. Current,,, "C: \ Windows \ media \ Windows XP Recycle.wav"
HKCU, AppEvents \ schemes \ Apps \ Explorer \ Navigating \. Current,,, "C: \ Windows \ media \ Windows XP Start.wav"
HKCU, AppEvents \ schemes \ Apps \ Explorer \ SecurityBand \. Current,,, "C: \ WINDOWS \ media \ Windows XP Information Bar.wav"


HKLM, SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run, Microsoft (R) System Manager
HKCU, Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run, help bMaxUserPortWindows Service
HKLM, SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ TCPIP \ Parameters, MaxUserPort

5. Remove virus file below:

C: \ vshost.exe [all drives]
C: \ autorun.inf [all drives]
C: \ RECYCLER \ S-1-5-21-9949614401-9544371273-983011715-7040 \ winservices.exe
C: \ Documents and Settings \% username% \ Local Settings \ Temp
A415.tmp [random]
034.exe [random]
Lady_Eats_Her_Shit -
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ sysmgr.exe
C: \ WINDOWS \ Temp \ 5755.tmp
C: \ windows \ system32 \ crypts.dll
C: \ windows \ system32 \ msvcrt2.dll

6. For optimal cleaning and prevent re-infection, please use the antivirus can detect and eradicate this virus up to date. You can also download tools in Norman Malware Cleaner

Optimizing multimedia applications using the K-lite codec

If you want to improve the ability of multimedia applications in the multimedia files, then you can use the following free codec. Simply install the application automatically windows media player to recognize more in the maximum file fomat video and audio.

At the time this article I have had a release K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 4.4.2

Details feature of K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 4.4.2:

• Player:
- Media Player Classic [version rev. 86]
- Media Player Classic Home Cinema [version 1.1.904]
• ffdshow:
- ffdshow [revision 2364]
- ffdshow VFW interface
- extra plugins

• DirectShow video decoding filters:
- XviD [version 1.2.0 build 2008-01-10]
- DivX [version 6.8.5]
- On2 VP6 [version]
- On2 VP7 [version]
- MPEG-2 (Cyberlink) [version]
- MPEG-2 (Gabest) [version]
- MPEG-1 (MainConcept) [version]
• DirectShow audio decoding filters:
- AC3/DTS/LPCM (AC3Filter) [version 1.51a]
- Vorbis (CoreVorbis) [version]
- AAC (MONOGRAM) [version]
• DirectShow audio parsers:
- MusePack (MONOGRAM) [version |]
- WavPack (CoreWavPack) [version 1.1.1]
- FLAC (madFLAC) [version 1.8]
- Monkey's Audio (DCoder) [version 1.0]
- OptimFROG (RadLight) [version]
- DC-Bass Source [version 1.2.0]
- AC3/DTS Source (AC3File) [version 0.5b]
- AMR (MONOGRAM) [version]

• DirectShow source filters:
- AVI splitter (Gabest) [version]
- AVI splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version]
- MP4 splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version]
- MP4 splitter (Gabest) [version]
- Matroska splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version]
- Matroska splitter (Gabest) [version]
- Ogg splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version]
- Ogg splitter (Gabest) [version]
- MPEG PS/TS splitter (Gabest) [version]
- MPEG PS/TS splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version]
- FLV splitter (Gabest) [version]
- CDXA Reader (Gabest) [version]
• DirectShow subtitle filter:
- DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version 2.39]
- DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version 2.33]

• Other filters:
- Haali Video Renderer [version]
• VFW video codecs:
- XviD [version 1.2.0 build 2008-01-10]
- DivX [version 6.8.5]
- x264 [revision 1032]
- On2 VP6 [version]
- On2 VP7 [version]
- Intel Indeo 4 [version]
- Intel Indeo 5 [version 5.2562.15.54]
- Intel I.263 [version]
- huffyuv [version 2.1.1 CCE Patch 0.2.5]
- YV12 (Helix) [version 1.2]
• ACM audio codecs:
- MP3 (Fraunhofer) [version]
- MP3 (LAME) [version 3.98.2]
- AC3ACM [version 1.4]
- Vorbis [version]
- DivX ;) Audio [version]
• Real Alternative:
- RealMedia codecs [version]
- RealMedia plugin for Internet Explorer
- RealMedia plugin for Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape/Opera/Chrome
- RealMedia DirectShow splitter [version]

• Tools:
- Codec Tweak Tool [version 2.2.9]
- GSpot Codec Information Appliance [version 2.70a]
- MediaInfo Lite [version]
- VobSubStrip [version 0.11]
- GraphStudio []
- Haali Muxer
- FourCC Changer
- Bitrate Calculator

To download this codec, you can use the following link:

Updated manually Avira Antivir Personal Edition Version 8

Avira Antivir software is very helpful in keeping your computer from virus attacks vicious, can even make improvements to the software if the computer has been infected with antivirus virus. For sure how reliable and can still protect the computer antivirus must be always updated. Update anti-virus can be done online and antivirus can be updated manually.

To update antivirus Avira Antivir Personal Edition manually, do the following procedures:

1. Download the latest definition update of avira, can be downloaded at:

(Better to use a download accelerator download speed up the process).

2. Run Avira Antivir Personal Edition

avira antivirus

3. On the menu click update manual update, select the file update Avira antivir PE, click the Open button, wait until the update is completed.


4. Wait until a message appears that has been successful update

5. To download the installer Antivir, click here

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Update manually AVG Antivirus Free Edition 8

Update antivirus AVG Free edition can be done online and its can be updated manually.

To update AVG Antivirus Free Edition manually, do the following procedures:

1. Download the latest AVG update defenition, (ektension .bin)
To download the update use the link below

2. Run AVG Antivirus Free Edition

update avg antivirus
3. On the Tools menu click "update from directory", select the file update AVG Antivirus Free Edition, click the OK button, wait until the update is completed.

avg free4. Wait until a message appears that the update has been successfully

5. To download the installer AVG Antivirus, click here

In addition you can see other free antivirus here avira

Download free mobile phone software and applications

Here are some links that you can download free mobile phone applications, game, wallpaper, and other third party application for your mobile phone.

Click every link above, you can find much more free application and enjoy it ....

Nokia secret codes

Nokia Secret Codes
below are a few secret codes of nokia mobile phones. You can use these nokia secret codes on your mobile phone
Note: There is some code that can only be used on mobile phone-type specific.

1 .* # 06 # Displays IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
2 .* # 0000 # Displays firmware version.
3 .* # 9999 # It is an alternative if the code * # 0000 # does not work.
4. * # 8110 # Display the firmware version (Nokia 8110).
5. * # 21 # See the diversion of all calls for 'All calls'.
6. ** 21 * destination number # Switch the call to the destination number for all calls.
7 .** 61 * destination number # Switch the call to the destination number for a missed call.
8. ** 67 * destination number # Switch the call to the destination number to call when you're busy.
9. * # 61 # the number is not answered because of the 'Call divert'.
10. * # 62 # the number outside the range because of the 'Call divert' and find out where the number transferred.
11. * # 67 # the number is busy because of the 'Call divert' and find out where the number transferred.
12. * # 2820 # Displays the IP address of Bluetooth.
13. * # 30 # Displays the time.
14. * # 43 # View the status of 'Call waiting'.
15. * # 62209526 # or * # MACOWLAN Showing WLAN MAC address.
16. * # 67705646 # Change operator logo (type 3310, 3330).
17. * # 73 # phone reset the timer and score game.
18. * # 746025625 # Displays the SIM Clock status. If your phone supports power saving function of the note "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you can get the best time to standby.
19. * # 7370 # or * # # RESO settings reset to the beginning (the manufacturer), the data will be lost
20. * # 7760 # Displays security code factory / product.
21. * # 7780 # or * # * rst0 to their initial settings (the manufacturer), the data will not be erased.
22. * # 92702689 # or * # # war0anty Showing serial number, date, date of purchase, date of last service (000 if you have not been repaired) and the transfer of user data. In some mobile phone after using this code you must restart the phone.
23. * # 2640 # Displays phone security code.
24. * # 3370 # Activate EFR (Full Rate Codec), best sound quality but the battery to be extravagant.
25. # 3370 # To deactivate EFR.
26 .* # 4720 # Activate Half Rate Codec, the sound quality but the lowest the battery to be more thrifty.
27. # 4720 # To deactivate the Half Rate Codec.
28. # 10 How fast to open the number of contacts stored in SIM card based on the ordinal number. Sample number 10 is the contact number series.
29. # pw +1234567890 +1 # Lock status provider, use a "*" to separate between the "p, w" and "+" sign.
30. # pw +1234567890 +1 # Lock status provider, use a "*" to separate between the "p, w" and "+" sign.
31. # pw +1234567890 +2 # Lock status of the network, use a "*" to separate between the "p, w" and "+" sign.
32. # pw +1234567890 +3 # Country Lock status, use the sign "*" to separate between the "p, w" and "+" sign.
33. # pw +1234567890 +4 # SIM Card Lock status, use the sign "*" to separate between the "p, w" and "+" sign.

Please try your code.
But damages that occur as a result of the phone you use this code outside of our responsibility.

Nokia Handphone Can Used For Computer Modem

Here is a Nokia mobile phone you can use as a modem to access the internet, source: (

Nokia 2630 BM
Nokia 2660
Nokia 2760
Nokia 2855
Nokia 2865 cdma
Nokia 3109
Nokia 3120
Nokia 3230
Nokia 3250
Nokia 3500
Nokia 3555
Nokia 3555b
Nokia 3555c
Nokia 5200
Nokia 5300
Nokia 5310
Nokia 5500
Nokia 5610
Nokia 5700
Nokia 6021
Nokia 6085
Nokia 6086
Nokia 6102i
Nokia 6103
Nokia 6110
Nokia 6111
Nokia 6120
Nokia 6121
Nokia 6124
Nokia 6125
Nokia 6126
Nokia 6131
Nokia 6131NFC
Nokia 6133
Nokia 6151
Nokia 6165 cdma
Nokia 6210
Nokia 6210s
Nokia 6220
Nokia 6230
Nokia 6230i
Nokia 6233
Nokia 6234
Nokia 6255 cdma
Nokia 6260
Nokia 6267
Nokia 6270
Nokia 6275 cdma
Nokia 6280
Nokia 6282
Nokia 6290
Nokia 6300
Nokia 6301
Nokia 6500
Nokia 6555
Nokia 6555b
Nokia 6555c
Nokia 6620
Nokia 6630
Nokia 6650
Nokia 6651
Nokia 6670
Nokia 6680
Nokia 6681
Nokia 6682
Nokia 6810
Nokia 6820
Nokia 6822
Nokia 7280
Nokia 7370
Nokia 7373
Nokia 7380
Nokia 7390
Nokia 7500
Nokia 7600
Nokia 7610
Nokia 7710
Nokia 7900
Nokia 8600
Nokia 8800
Nokia 8910i
Nokia 9300
Nokia 9300i
Nokia 9500
Nokia E50
Nokia E51
Nokia E60
Nokia E61
Nokia E61i
Nokia E62
Nokia E65
Nokia E70
Nokia E90
Nokia N70
Nokia N71
Nokia N72
Nokia N73
Nokia N75
Nokia N76
Nokia N77
Nokia N78
Nokia N80
Nokia N81
Nokia N82
Nokia N91
Nokia N92
Nokia N93
Nokia N93i
Nokia N95
Nokia N96

(Note: I take over the series from nokia site, they may still have the other series that may not be over because i m not open all nokia series of file specification, if the series nokia is not in your list, can check more detail to the nokia site, if in the specification modem does not have a word "modem", it means the handphone can not be used as a modem)

Code (cheat code) freecell game

Freecell game is one of the default windows game. There may be among friends who love to play a game, but did not know about the cheat. If you use this code cheating, then you can be victorious.

Here's how to activate the code cheating freecell game

1. Run Freecell game

freecell game
2. Press the key combination "Ctrl + Shift + F10" (at the same time)
After the following dialogue box appears, click the Abort

cheat free cell3. Then click one of the card, then you can win quickly

Code (cheat code) solitaire game

Solitaire game is a classic game default windows. Usually, each time you install windows to your computer, then automatically be a bonus this card game.

This code is only valid if you play solitaire games with the Solitaire card option "Draw three", sometimes you need a card or the second third, but can not be taken with the show one by one. So you better make it easy to win.
See the picture below

cheat game
Steps you must do is
1. Press the "Ctrl + Alt + Shift", and click the mouse to open the card (button combinations and mouse clicks performed together)
2. Cards will open a one-card although "three option"

cheat game solitaire

Please try, hopefully success

How To Troubleshooting Sign in Yahoo Messenger 9 (Error 81003005 and 81003004)

If friends have found an error when you run YM9, this error will appear when we press the button Sign in Yahoo Messenger 9. How to Sign in Yahoo Error Messengger 9 (Error 81003005 and Error 81003004)

The error message as below:
Please try again a little bit later (81003005)
Messengger encountered a connection problem. Please check the network connection and then click "Try Again" (81003004)

yahoo messennger error

Procedure for the issue on the error are:
1. Run your internet explorer, on the menu bar click "Tools -> Internet Options"

sign in error yahoo messenger

2. On the Internet option dialog box, click the LAN Settings
Select (highlight USM modem Nokia N70 (OTA),
Etehernet Lancard or if you use Lancard
if you use wifi wireless connection
(option adjusted with the hardware or the connection that you use as the default when connected to the Internet)

Error 81003005

3. Remove the check under the proxi server

YM Error
4. Make sure setting as follows:

Troubleshooting Yahoo Messenger

5. Click OK.,
6. If still not successful, return to step No.2 Settings and press the button and then follow steps 3 and 4 (to remove the check proxi settings)

Activate your YM 9, hopefully to sign in, if you can not sign in, try to restart your computer, hopefully it can successfully login, and run YM again.

Tips to activate yahoo messenger is blocked by a firewall

Yahoo messenger sometimes blocked by the Windows Firewall facilities. If this happens then you can not use Yahoo Messenger, the procedure to activate the Yahoo Messenger is as follows:

1. Right-click icon "Network Connection" Selah right in the taskbar, select "Change Windows firewall settings"

yahoo messenger firewall
2. In the Windows Firewall dialog box, select the Exception tab and check the Yahoo Messenger. Click OK

activate yahoo messenger