Friday, 30 October 2009

How to choose a template using CSS and XHTML Validator

Sometimes with a lot of templates that are available, we are confused choosing a good template for SEO optimization. There are several options that are usually a consideration in choosing a template that looks good and fast loading. But there are things that sometimes we forget that the google robot(search engine) sometimes cranky if found too many errors in the script your blog template. The smaller the error in the template then the template is better. but keep in mind that it is very difficult to get a template that has no errors. We suggest using a template error value below 40, and the warning is not too much.

To detect errors in the template script which will you choose to use the following facilities:

1. CSS Validator
This facility serves to detect the CSS script error
Please click here CSS Validator

2. XHTML Validator
This facility serves to detect the error XHTML script or does not meet the standards.
Please click here XHTML Validator

How to find the error link in the blog or website

In doing seo optimization, one of the parameters that must be considered is the status of the link in the blog must be active (healthy), in the sense that there is a link in the blog actually refers to a page that is still active, if the link in your blog refers to a page that was deleted or to a page that is forbidden by the google robot, link on your blog is considered a dead link (link error) by google. The more dead links (broken link), the more likely you are experiencing a penalty blog from google. Increasingly difficult to raise the page rank.

You need to test / check the status of links on a regular basis, so you can minimize the error link in your blog.

There is one facility that allows you to check the status of links in your blog, please open the site link validator

Monday, 26 October 2009

Convert excel table to html script

There may be among friends who often make the table when going to create a website / blog. You can use the following tools to help you convert (conversion) the excel table into html script. So you just copy from excel and paste on the website and then you get a html script that you can paste on your web page.

To start the conversion:
1. Open your excel, copy the table to be converted
2. Open website tableizer
3. insert (paste) the excel table on the web

4. tableize click it

5. Copy the html script to your web / blog

Monday, 19 October 2009

How to set the display of the taskbar

You can set the display of the taskbar. kept appearing on the desktop or make it autohide.

To change the display from the taskbar to autohide or peramanent, do the following:
1. Right-click on the taskbar, select Properties

2. In the following dialog box, set:

a. lock the taskbar, lock the taskbar that will not be moved. If disable, then you can drag the taskbar to another position, could drag upward or to the side of the desktop
b. Autohide the taskbar (to make the taskbar is hidden, if the mouse pointer is in position the taskbar (the bottom of the desktop), then the taskbar will appear if the mouse was in pointer other position the taskbar will be hidden by windows.
c. Show QuickLaunch. To create QuickLaunch. QuickLaunch icon can be filled with shortcuts, to speed up opening applications (just drag the shortcut icon on the desktop, and enter into the QuickLaunch bar (usually its position on the taskbar beside the Start button)

3. You can press the Customize button above to set the icon to be displayed on the taskbar.

References : Artikel Komputer

Monday, 12 October 2009

Create a screen saver with writing your own name

Screen saver is one of the inherent application windows. Where, if in a given time interval there is no activity on your computer automatically switches the screen saver.
This application can also activate and These applications can be enabled and you can also disabled.

Steps to create a screen saver:

1.Right click on your desktop, select Properties

2. to display the Properties dialog box click the screen saver tab

3. On the screen saver click the down arrow button, select 3D Text, click the Settings button

4. Set some optian, in the custom text type your name, click the OK button

5. In the display properties dialog box click the OK button

Please see the results, ..... you can use other types of screen savers.
You can also install other screen savers, many sites that provide free screen saver, you just need to ask for help Mr. google, and use the keyword "free screen saver" after you download, usually must be installed, then automatically included in the list of screen savers in the Properties dialog box.

Refrernces : Artikel Komputer

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Mendukung SEO Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang

SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SERP (Search Engine result pages),dan Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang adalah tiga hal yang menarik banyak kalangan blogger saat ini, baik yang pemula seperti saya maupun blogger yang sudah senior.

Google menilai sembilan ratusan ribu bahkan sudah hampir jutaan halaman untuk diurutkan berdasarkan peringkat yang secara misteri ditentukan oleh google sebagai juri dalam perlombaan ini.

Dan kebetulan blog saya Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang juga ikutan lomba sekedar untuk belajar cara optimasi SEO yang berkaitan dengan Kontes, apakah metode optimasi secara natural efektif diterapkan dalam teknik SEO kontes.

How to Create a shortcut on the Desktop

Here is how to create shortcut icons on the desktop, to help us not to open the menu star again, because just by double-clicking on the icon so we can immediately activate the application.

For example a calculator shortcut on the desktop:

1. Because the calculator application already exists in the Start menu, then you only need to open the Start menu, then select the calculator, then right click on the calculator, select Send To -> Desktop (create shortcut)
, then the desktop will automatically appear in the calculator icon.

2. if the application was not in the startmenu, then you must create it manually, let's say we'll make icon PC Media Antivirus

a. Right-click on the desktop, select New -> Shortcut

b. Wait until the following dialog box appears (Create shortcut), click Browse, the browse dialog box for the folder click on C: click on the directory that contains files PC media,

c. Select berextensi file *. exe (executable file) that is: PVMAV-CLN

d. Click the OK button, the shortcut will appear on the desktop.

3. You can also create a shortcut key icon,
For example create a shortcut key calculator

a. Right click the calculator icon, click properties

b. Then will appear the following dialog box:

c. click on textbox "None" on the right side of the writing shortcut key, press "Alt" (on your computer keyboard) is automatically written "None" changed to "Ctrl + Alt +", press the C key (you can use the other buttons) it would appear The following dialog box

d. Change the dialog box icon, click OK

e. calulator on the Properties dialog box, click OK

You've successfully created a shortcut key calculator, please press three keys Ctrl + Alt + C (without the +) simultaneously. if successful then the application will appear in your desktop calculator.

If you want to make another application shourcut key you must use another key combination (Ctr + Alt + "in addition to C").

References: Artikel Komputer

How to Change Desktop Background (Wallpaper)

Sometimes the desktop display can be boring if the color and monotone images.

Here's how to change the look of your desktop computer screen

1. Using built in windows file

a. Right-click on the desktop, click Properties

b. In the Display Properties dialog box, select the Desktop tab

c. In the Background list select Windows XP, click Apply then preview the results seen in the dialog box, then choose another background, such as "stone henge" then see the changes. if you are happy with the new look please press the Apply button, then OK, automatically display will change your desktop.

2. If you are not satisfied with the picture, maybe you have a good picture in your hard drive you can use it as your dektop background. The following example is a cat picture

do the following:
a. in the Display Properties dialog box, click the browse button, the dialog box will appear browse, search directory that contains the cat picture

b. Select persia2 cat pictures, press the open button, it will appear the following dialog box:

c. There are several options to adjust the position of image display (you can see below the browse button) the tile, center, and stretch. Select only background view strecth to automatically adjust the size of your computer screen.

d. Then press OK, then your desktop now have a cat picture.

Some other applications that you can use to create a desktop background (wallpaper) is:
ACDSee, Irfan View, Paint, and other graphics applications, if you do not have the application please use the above way.

References: Artikel Komputer

How to know the specification of computer hardware

By using the software, we can find the computer hardware specifications that are used. There are several ways to find out is by using system properties, direcx diagnostic tools, or use a third-party applications such as cpu-z, etc..

I. Using the DirectX diagnostic tool (built in windows application )

If your computer has not installed cpu-z software, you can use this way
a. In the startmenu select run, type dxdiag, and press OK

b. Wait until the dialog box appears ,
On the system tab there is information that is used OS, BIOS, Moteherboard, Memory
On the Display tab there is information display device (VGA)
On another tab there is information decice Sound, Network, etc.

c. The information display device (VGA)

II. This way better, than the first way, but you must have cpu-z applications on your computer.

a. If not, you can download it at
click Download Latestt version (to download the latest version)

b. Extract the downloaded file to unzip it (winrar). Click cpuz.exe to activate cpuz

c. Will appear the information about the CPU (processor), Mainboard, Memory (select the tab of each category to see the specification details)

References: Artikel Komputer

Friday, 9 October 2009

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang Dukungan kedua

Untuk menambah dukungan ke Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang SEO Kontes maka saya memanfaatkan blog dummy ini untuk menambah keyword yang berhubungan dengan SEO Kenali dan Kunjungi beberapa Objek Wisata di Pandeglang Kontes. Walaupun aturan kata-kata tidak mengikuti aturan bahasa, karena memang postingan ini hanya diperuntukkan buat menambah keyword yang berhubungan dengan kontes SEO agar lebih Kenali dan Kunjungi semua Objek Wisata yang ada di Pandeglang.

Tulisannya singkat, dan deskripsinya tidak jelas mudah-mudahan dari postingan dukunagan ini bisa terindeks satau buah keyword oleh google.

Daripada bingun mencari backlink, lebih baik memanfaatkan blog - blog dummy untuk mensupport blog utama.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

How to enable (backup) system restore windows

One of the facilities available in the windows is the system restore tools. The function of System Restore is to backup (make a backup / copy) your Windows system files.

The benefits you will gain if enable system restore on your computer, is to help you restore the windows (if there was an error / conflict) to its original state. So if there is damage to the windows system files on your computer then you can still use the system restore to cure your computer. (a bit more to save time) when compared to reinstall windows. But not all damage to your windows system can be restored, if the damage is likely to be fatal it can not be restored anymore, so one of the main ways to improve the way the windows are installed.

Losses would you get if you enable system restore:
Your computer hard disk space will be allocated by the windows to save the backup file system (depending on the changes and update your windows system files), but this is not a problem if the hard disk capacity is still large.

If you want to activate the system restore, do the following:

1. At the start menu select:
Start => Programs => Accessories => System Tools => System Restore

2. click system restore settings

3. select the drive (partition) to be the backup
if your window system installed on drive C, then disable all other drives monitoring (D, E).
This meant that the backup file size not too big, and not drain the resources to monitor all the windows drive. because that would in essence is a system backup windows only.

4. click on drive E, then in the dialog box derikut check turn off system restore on this drive. click OK (do step 3 and 4 on the other drives)

5. In the next dialog box click on "Create a restore point

6. the textbox Restore point description, type the name or description of your restore point (just type in the date backupnya)
click the create button

7. If successful the following message appears successful

8. if a window of time you have problems, can make improvements by using system restore
(do steps 1 and 2, note: in step 2 select "mycomputer restore to earlier time")
after the following dialog box appears select the date of backup restore points available, the date is usually somewhat thicker than the other dates)

click next, it will begin the process of repair windows system, restart the computer after a successful.

Do not be too much to make a restore point, because it will drain your hard disk space, if too many restore points, can be removed in part, is 1 or two restore points in a month. (Select the best restore points / at the time of backup windows are stable).

References: Artikel Komputer

How to Change the name of the owner registration at system properties

Maybe you've asked for help to someone else to install windows on your computer. Or you enter the wrong name when installing Windows.Easy way to see the computer owner's name listed in the windows is to look at the system properties

Click the flag button + Pause Break
or Start => Settings => Control Panel => System

From the picture seemingly that:
a. name of the owner (owner): GEO (can be changed according to your name)
b. name of organization: PHYSICS

To change
name of the owner (owner) can do the following tips:

1. On the Start menu, select Run, type regedit

2. Actions are logged at the box open registry editor the following directory:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft | Windows NT | CurrentVersion

3. RegisteredOwner right click and select Modify

4. the value of data type your name

5. RegisteredOrganization right click and select Modify

6. the value data type the name of your organization or institution,

7. Restart your computer, open the system properties to see the changes.

References : Artikel Komputer

How to uninstall / remove programs (applications) on windows

To unistall (remove) an application already installed on your computer, then one way is to find the uninstall shortcut, usually in the group folder in the start menu shortcut.

Suppose we'll remove AVG Antivirus application, then straight to the startmenu can then locate the folder shortcut .... click Uninstall AVG
AVG automatically be deleted from your computer ...

If at any time you have an application that has no uninstall shortcut in the startmenu, it could do under this alternative

1. In the startmenu select Start => Settings => Control Panel

2. In the control panel dialog box click on "Add or Remove Programs

3. Select the Applications to be removed, for example, AVG Free 8, click the Change / Remove

If the normal process, the application automatically will be deleted AVG

In addition to the above you can also use the application / third-party utility to do uninstall the program.

Sometimes there are applications that can not be removed (probably because of bugs or not compatible with windows) cause the application can not be uninstalled. For this case I will discuss in another occasion, essentially the way I normally do this through the elimination of windows registry

References: Artikel komputer