Tuesday, 21 December 2010

How to Fix dead pixel on LCD monitor (dead pixel repair)

How to Fix dead pixel on LCD monitor (dead pixel repair). For users of LCD monitors, sometimes comes a point at which the screen can not display color properly. Dots on the screen is sometimes the color is just the same as changing the monitor display. So often reduces the quality of the display. The point at which the broken screen usually called Dead pixel or Stuck Pixel . We can fix dead pixels is to use the software Pixel Doctor

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Add url Baidu (submit blog to Baidu and increase visitors from china)

Add url Baidu (submit blog to Baidu and increase visitors from china). Baidu is China's largest search engine. In China, Baidu is more popular when compared to google. Based on data from Alexa rank, looks Baidu ranked first in China, and ranked 6th in the world .. In China google.com.hk only ranked 5th. Baidu website description details can be seen below:

About Baidu.com (baidu.com): The leading Chinese language search engine, Provides a simple and reliable "search experience, strong in Chinese language and multi-media content Including MP3 music and movies, the first to offer WAP and PDA-based mobile search in China.
Baidu.com is Ranked # 6 in the world According to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is approximately eleven minutes, with 29 seconds spent on EACH page view. Compared with the internet averages, the site appeals more to Asians; Also its visitors tend to consist of women under the age of 35 WHO browse from work and school and have no postgraduate education. The site is in the "" category of websites. Baidu.com has been online for more Than eleven years.

Info alexa web search engine Baidu could dilhat here Top Sites in China

By registering your blog to our website chance Baidu then indexed by Baidu, even if it could appear on SERP position 10 is likely to increase traffic from china.

To register or add url blog on Baidu following procedure:

1. Open the registration page, you can click here add url Baidu

If you do not understand the Chinese language can use google translate
Enter the url of the blog, captcha code and click the submit button

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Add url to Yandex (submit blog to Yandex) to increase visitors from Russia

Add url to Yandex (submit blog to Yandex) to increase visitors from Russia. Yandex is the largest search engine in Russia, based on data from Alexa, especially from Russian Internet users look Yandex more popular than Google, Yahoo, Bing. Yandex is in position 1 while google.ru is at position 4. can be found here Top Sites in Russia

According the data from Alexa 85% Yandex users come from Russia, alexa ranking order of 1 in Russia, and ranked 26 in the world. Yandex alexa Details can be found below:

About Яндекс (yandex.ru): Поиск информации в интернете с учетом русской морфологии, возможность регионального уточнения. Параллельный поиск по новостям, картинкам, товарам, блогам, адресам организаций.
Яндекс's global three-month Alexa traffic rank is 26. Relative to the overall population of Internet users, the site's users are disproportionately low-income, and They tend to be men under the age of 35 WHO have postgraduate Educations and browse from home. Approximately 3% of visits to the site are Referred by search engines, and this site has been online since 1997. We estimate That 85% of visitors to Yandex.ru come from Russia, Nowhere it has attained a traffic rank of 1.

One way to increase blog traffic is by trying to attract visitors from russia. By default robot Yandex will crawl and index your website / blog, but to more quickly indexed we can do it manually submit url to yandex.ru.

If interested in applying to the search engine Yandex blog can do the following procedure:
1. Go to page add url Yandex
2. Will open the page as below
Enter your blog URL, type the captcha code that appears at random, and then click the Add button on the right url is the url text box

Convert Decimal to Octal

How to Convert from Decimal to Octal. By using Excel 2003, the decimal number can be converted into Octal (decimal to Octal). However, the function to convert decimal numbers to Octal has the some limitations of which can be seen in the syntax and description below:

DEC2OCT(number, places)

Number is the decimal integer you want to convert. If number is negative, places is ignored and DEC2OCT returns a 10-character (30-bit) octal number in which the most significant bit is the sign bit. The remaining 29 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.
Places is the number of characters to use. If places is omitted, DEC2OCT uses the minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the return value with leading 0s (zeros).
If number < -536,870,912 or if number > 536,870,911, DEC2OCT returns the #NUM! error value.
If number is nonnumeric, DEC2OCT returns the #VALUE! error value.
If DEC2OCT requires more than places characters, it returns the #NUM! error value.
If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
If places is nonnumeric, DEC2OCT returns the #VALUE! error value.
If places is negative, DEC2OCT returns the #NUM! error value

We tried to apply the function DEC2BIN,
Create a table like below

Convert Decimal to Binary

How to Convert from Decimal to Binary. By using Excel 2003, the decimal number can be converted into binary (decimal to binary). However, the function to convert decimal numbers to binary has the some limitations of which can be seen in the syntax and description below:

Syntax :
Number is the decimal integer you want to convert. If number is negative, places is ignored and DEC2BIN returns a 10-character (10-bit) binary number in which the most significant bit is the sign bit. The remaining 9 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.
Places is the number of characters to use. If places is omitted, DEC2BIN uses the minimum number of characters necessary. Places is useful for padding the return value with leading 0s (zeros).
If number < -512 or if number > 511, DEC2BIN returns the #NUM! error value.
If number is nonnumeric, DEC2BIN returns the #VALUE! error value.
If DEC2BIN requires more than places characters, it returns the #NUM! error value.
If places is not an integer, it is truncated.
If places is nonnumeric, DEC2BIN returns the #VALUE! error value.
If places is negative, DEC2BIN returns the #NUM! error value.

Monday, 8 November 2010

How to download ebooks on google books using google book downloader user script

How to download ebooks on google books using google book downloader user script. Using google book downloader user script and greasemonkey is one alternative for Firefox users to download books from google book. This method is a complement of the previous ways on how to download book on google books and download the ebook in google book using firefox cache

In this post we use an add-on firefox to download books from google book, there are several stages:
1. Install greasemonkey in firefox to download ebook google book
2. Install the Google book userscript downloader in firefox

After conducting the second stage above, open the Firefox browser,  then open the site google book, select one of the existing book
In this example I use google's success story books "Kisah Sukses Google"
In the top left corner of the page will display the "Download this book"
Click the "Download this book"

How to install Google's book userscript downloader in firefox to download ebook from google book

How to install Google's book userscript downloader in firefox to download ebook from google book .After the add-on greasemonkey installed on your computer, then the next step is to install Google's book userscript downloader in firefox. To install Google book downloader userscript following procedure:

1. Open firefox
2. Open the following pages Google book downloader userscript
Click the "Install"

How to install greasemonkey on firefox to download ebook from google book

How to install greasemonkey on firefox to download ebook google book. Greasemonkey is one of the add-ons that can be used free of charge. This post is created to help friends who are beginners and trouble to download book on google books.

To install greasemonkey, do the following procedure:
1. Open the Firefox browser
2. Open the following pages to install the addon greasemonkey

Will open the page as below, click the "Add to Firefox"

If you have not registered as a member, click the register button on the top right corner of the page, if already registered as a member in firefox login with your email account and password firefox

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

PDF files are vulnerable to virus attacks?

PDF files are vulnerable to virus attacks?
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a document format that is currently widely used by computer users. Events are unfortunately exploited by malware authors who deliberately makes an easy target for malware attacks. The malware authors do ekslpoit on a number of weaknesses in Adobe's PDF, so that format can not be used.

More than 50% of attacks carried out via the Trojan to a PDF file. The majority of the attackers developed from traditional attack methods such as email, the attack on the PDF, which is considered as the simplest way to spread malware all over the Internet in the world. PDF is often used as a target of malware since doing plug-in support in a web browser. When a user visits a malicious web, PDF documents served by HTTP, and during the process of malware into the user's machine without realizing it.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

How to install google maps on blogspot (displays a map in blog )

There may be among friends who want to install the maps from google map for maps and satellite images to appear on the blog. This map can help visitors find your site or location. Google allows users to select a specific location on a map, the map can then be put to a blog at no charge (free).

All you have to do is just need to open a google site map, select the place / location on the map then you copy the script that is available to be installed on the blog.

Examples of maps that can be displayed on the blog can be found here:

Monday, 25 October 2010

Sony stop selling the Walkman in Japan

Sony stop selling the Walkman in Japan. Electronics company "Sony" said it would not longer sell portable music players (Walkman) in Japan.

Sony has stopped production of the cassette Walkman and the remaining inventory in stores Japan is the final product.

Based on research from a team sony "The way consumers listen to music has many moves to digital audio," so that "Sony decided to end sales of Walkman because demand for the Walkman cassette player has been reduced".
But Sony still be producing and selling Walkman outside of Japan. According to Sony, the demand for cassette player outside of Japan still exists. The Japanese demand was not there.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Auto Mute software utility to make a PC silent

Auto Mute software utility to make a PC silent when it's turning on or is waking up. A solution is as easy as a pie! The sound is automatically muted when the computer is turning off or is going to sleep/suspend mode. Also there is an option to mute sound when screensaver appears. So the next system start is absolutely silent even if you forgot to turn the sound off in previous session. After restart you can unmute sound effects manually, using a shortcut combination. Moreover, you may use this keyboard shortcut to quickly switch the sound on and off when working.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Make related post with thumbnails in blogger (blogspot)

In addition to making related post in text form, we can also make a related post with thumbnails in the blog. Related post with thumbnails by default will take pictures in the post to serve as a thumbnail in the related article, if in the post did not exist then the thumbnail image will be blank.

A site that provides services to make related post with thumbnails is http://www.linkwithin.com

To create a pictorial post relared following procedure:

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Renaming of lot of files and folders by using Ant Renamer

Ant renamer is a free and opensource program that makes easier the renaming of lots of files and folders by using specified settings.Ant renamer will only rename the files' names, it will not modify their contents.
It supports unicode, which means that you can rename files that have characters in Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Arab or any other language. Since most of the programs have problems with such names, it can be useful to be able to rename them to Latin (basic ASCII) characters for example.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

New Digg verify

This is a post to verify new digg .

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Free download tutorial photoshop (manuals photoshop in pdf version)

Adobe Photosop a graphics processing software (raster-based images) are very powerful. We can manipulate images by using the tools already available in the photoshop software. Several variants of which we know photoshop like Photoshop 7, Photoshop CS, Photoshop CS2, Photoshop CS3, Photoshop CS4 and CS5 Photosop, etc

Actually in the software is already equipped with the help file documentation that can be used as a guide to operate the software adobe photosop. But sometimes because of language barriers and technical procedures, required photoshop manuals.

Sometimes for beginners who want to learn computer software, especially software photosop be difficult if you do not have photoshop manuals. For friends who want to learn photoshop, can download manual photoshop or (tutorial photoshop) using keyword below, put keyword on search box then click download button.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Creating a horizontal navigation menu on blogspot with css menu (blue sprite version)

Creating a horizontal navigation menu on blogspot with css menu (blue sprite version). By default, navigation menus are not available at blogspot. To show or make the navigation menu then needs to be added   scripts  (css or html script). In this post we will create a simple horizotal the navigation menu using the css script .Menu script as namely sprite horizontal blue version is a variant of the navigation menu before such massive blue-navigate menus using css script.

 To make it do the following procedure:

Saturday, 17 July 2010


Sitemap Blog ...

Complete Link .....

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Text function in excel 2003

Based on data from 2003 excel offline help, there are some text functions such as: 

ASC Changes full-width (double-byte) Bahasa letters or katakana within a character string to half-width (single-byte) characters
BAHTTEXT converts a number to text, using the ß (baht) currency format
CHAR Returns the character specified by the code number
CLEAN Removes all characters from a text nonprintable
CODE Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string
Trust Joins CONCATENATE text items into one text item
DOLLAR converts a number to text, using the $ (dollar) currency format
EXACT checks to see if two text values are identical
FIND Finds one text value within another (case sensitive)
FIXED Formats a number as text with a fixed number of decimals
JIS Changes half-width (single-byte) Bahasa letters or katakana within a character string to a full-width (double-byte) characters

LEFT Returns the leftmost characters from a text value

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

How to leave the title field blank in HTML Javascript widget

How to leave the title field blank with the HTML Javascript widget
If you using the HTML javascript widget in blogger/blogspot. Suddenly, we cannot edit or a new HTML Javascript widget without entering someting text in the title field. whenever I try to leave that field blank, it will show error. Error message: "required field must not be blank." This means that not only can I not edit widgets I already have, but I cannot add new ones.

This is a little tips, if you want to leave the title field blank with the HTML Javascript widget

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Earn dollar from shareapic

Shareapic is a website that allows you to put your own pictures (photos) and when someone clicks on the picture, you can get paid for each click. You can share the pictures or photos you upload in your blogs, facebook and other your site. There is no limit to how much you can share with others, which means you can earn as much as you want. The only way to get paid at the moment is by paypal, which is the safest option. This website is great at promoting your photos/pictures to other people by them clicking your content. It is a fun way to earn money by what you have created. I recommend this site to anyone who shows their pictures/photos to their mates a lot or anyone who wants to earn extra cash. all payments are sent via PayPal

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Free javascript hosting

Sometimes if you create a blog on a free hosting like blogspot, so to beautify the look of a blog requires a javascript file, but blogger does not allow for hosting a javascript file javacript exception file is inserted into the gadget html / javascript. Solutions to overcome this is to utilize the free javascript hosting

Free JavaScript Hosting can help you to host a javascript file, and use the direct link or a link to access the external javascript file from the blog.
This service is free, and available a premium service. Premium service certainly has better performance than free for hosting your javascript.
You can upload and share your javascript file on the site below:

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

How to make oldest blog post go first page (home page) in blogspot

In blogspot, How to make oldest blog post go first page (home page) ?. You can change time on the "post date and time" with the newest time.

Example when I make this post at 23/05/10. Then when you make oldest blog post go first page (homepage), you must change time with a newest time.

Login in your blogger account
Edit post, select blogpost that will go first page
On the post option change "post date and time" with the newest time

Cause this day 15/06/10 , i am change with 15/06/10.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Free audio hosting , Free Music Hosting

Below list of free audio hosting , free music hosting and free mp3 hosting

1. ImageCabin
Maximum audio size = 25 MB , registration required = no
Allowed audio files: wav, mp3, ogg

2. MailboxDrive
Maximum audio size = 15 MB , registration required = yes
Allowed audio files: mp3, mp4, wma

3. MP3 Upload
Maximum audio size = 12 MB, registration required = no
Allowed audio files: mp3, wav, wma, mid, ram, aif, mpeg

4. FileFactory
Maximum audio size = 300 MB, registration required = no
Allowed audio files: mp3

5. Vulo
Maximum audio size = 10 MB, registration required = no
Allowed audio files: mp3

6. File Dropper
Maximum audio size = 5120 MB, registration required = no
Allowed audio files: mp3

7. FileFreak
Maximum audio size = 5 MB, registration required = no
Allowed audio files: mp3

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Free download naruto games,super mario bros, Sonic, Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Metal Slug, Scooby Doo, Spongebob games,etc

Free Download games naruto, super mario bros, Sonic, Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Metal Slug, Scooby Doo, Spongebob (freeware)

The development of software games today are very advanced, there can be played on computers pc offline, in the pc which is connected to a computer network (networking), or it can also be played online (internet). There are several games that can be downloaded for free such as Super Mario Bros games, Sonic Games, Naruto Games, Legend of Zelda games, Metroid games, Metal Slug Games, Scooby Doo Games, Spongebob Games, Contra Games and various other games. Those games is made by using Macromedia Flash, which can be installed on the computer. File size not too big and does not require too much computer resourse. Games are generally developed from a DOS version of the game game but because it is made in the form of flash then it could be implemented in a computer having windows operating system.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Best antivirus 2010

Below are the criteria uses to evaluate and compare antivirus software:

1.Scope of Protection
3.Ease of Installation and Setup
6.Help & Support

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software (freeware)

Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools. An active and growing online community provides friendly help, tutorials, and plugins.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Free Download drivers and updates for windows from Microsoft and other companies

List of  drivers and updates for windows from Microsoft and other companies :

MDAC 2.8
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 contains core Data Access components such as the Microsoft SQL Server™ OLE DB provider and ODBC driver.

Windows XP Home Edition Utility: Setup Disks for Floppy Boot Install
The Windows XP startup disk allows computers without a bootable CD-ROM to perform a new installation of the operating system. The Windows XP startup disk will automatically load the correct drivers to gain access to the CD-ROM drive and start a new installation of Setup.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

KeywordSpy SEO / PPC Plug-in (Free firefox plugin)

The KeywordSpy™ SEO / PPC Plugin is a Free Mozilla Firefox extension, aimed primarily at helping advertisers, webmasters & SEO analysts to do their PPC & SEO research right from their browser. The revolutionary plugin changes the way advertisers do their keyword research & competitor tracking while browsing on Google & Yahoo in Real-Time.

KeywordSpy™ SEO / PPC plugin is composed of 3 functional parts:

Sunday, 7 March 2010

How to install photo gadgets on the desktop

Maybe a friend who often saw a gadget photo on a desktop computer, where the image can be shifted or replaced with a photo of the computer owner or photos / other images.

Here are some free applications ( forum / website version), the file size of about 1 MB. There are several forms of frame such as tennis, football, golf, etc..

If you are interested in using it:

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Free download sata driver for Intel(R) Matrix Storage RAID Controllers and AHCI Controllers for windows XP

The Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager is designed to provide
functionality for the following Storage Controllers:

RAID Controllers:
- Intel(R) ICH8M-E/ICH9M-E SATA RAID Controller
- Intel(R) ICH8R/ICH9R/ICH10R/DO SATA RAID Controller
- Intel(R) ESB2 SATA RAID Controller
- Intel(R) ICH7MDH SATA RAID Controller
- Intel(R) ICH7R/DH SATA RAID Controller

AHCI Controllers:
- Intel(R) ICH10D/DO SATA AHCI Controller
- Intel(R) ICH10R SATA AHCI Controller
- Intel(R) EP80579 SATA AHCI Controller
- Intel(R) ICH9M-E/M SATA AHCI Controller
- Intel(R) ICH9R/DO/DH SATA AHCI Controller
- Intel(R) ICH8M-E/M SATA AHCI Controller
- Intel(R) ICH8R/DH/DO SATA AHCI Controller
- Intel(R) ESB2 SATA AHCI Controller
- Intel(R) ICH7M/MDH SATA AHCI Controller
- Intel(R) ICH7R/DH SATA AHCI Controller

This RAID/AHCI Controller is valid for the products listed below.

Intel® 3 Series Chipsets
Intel® 4 Series Chipset
Intel® 5000P Chipset
Intel® 5000V Chipset
Intel® 5000X Chipset
Intel® 945 Express Chipset Family
Intel® 955X Express Chipset
Intel® 965 Express Chipset Family
Intel® 975X Express Chipset
Intel® E7230 Chipset
Intel® Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® X58 Express Chipset
Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family
Mobile Intel® 945 Express Chipset Family
Mobile Intel® 965 Express Chipset Family

Download here SATA driver for windows XP

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Microsoft NET Famework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1)

Microsoft.NET Framework version 3.5 Service Pack 1 provides the following new features and improvements:

* ASP.NET Dynamic Data, which provides a rich scaffolding framework that enables rapid data driven development without writing code, and a new addition to ASP.NET AJAX that provides support for managing browser history (back button support).

* Core improvements to the CLR (common language runtime) that include better layout of .NET Framework native images, opting out of strong-name verification for fully trusted assemblies, improved application startup performance, better generated code that improves end-to-end application execution time, and opting managed code to run in ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) mode if supported by the operating system. Additionally, managed applications that are opened from network shares have the same behavior as native applications by running with full trust.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Error 16 digit number in excel 2003

If you type 16 digit or more in excel 2003, example 455558977564345999 cannot be represented in Excel's numeric storage format.. If you don't need to do math with it, then prefix with a single quote to store it exactly as text.

List of error or bug in excel 2003

List of error or bug in excel 2003
1.You receive "The file may have been changed..." error message when you save a workbook to a network server in Excel 2002 or in Excel 2003
2.You cannot change a link path when an Excel Add-In is not loaded
3. Excel Abruptly Quits When You Save a Workbook
4. Unable To Read File" Error Message When You Open a Workbook and Try to Update Links
5. Using a field alias in Query does not work with some third-party databases
6. You Cannot Open Excel Files in Windows Explorer After You Use the Text Import Wizard
7. VBA Error on Macro Startup If You Open Multiple Excel Instances with RefEdit Control
8. Pivot Table Fields Do Not Function After Excel Repairs and Recovers File
9. You Receive Error Messages When You Delete Multiple Columns from a Graph
10. The CPU Usage Is 100 Percent When You Copy a Large Sheet in Excel
11. Hyperlink Syntax Does Not Save Correctly When You Save an Excel File as an HTML Page
12. Excel Stops Responding When Subtotals Are Removed
13. Edits to PivotTables Do Not Bring Back New Columns

Fix Error RAND, RANDBETWEEN, SLOPE, INTERCEPT, FORECAST, and STEYX functions in Excel 2003

Microsoft has released an update to Microsoft Office Excel 2003. This update fixes a problem in Excel 2003 that can cause the RAND(), RANDBETWEEN(), SLOPE(), INTERCEPT(), FORECAST(), and STEYX() functions to return values that are not correct. This update fixes the problem so that these functions generate the correct results.

Friday, 15 January 2010

List of adsense CPM alternatives

The following publishers are ordered by their traffic requirements, in parentheses.

AdsDaq (no requirement) – While they only provide CPM ads to specific countries, their ability to display backup ads from any network makes them an easy first choice for somebody looking to test the waters of the CPM market.

Ad Dynamix – (no requirement) – While not quite as intuitive as AdsDaq, their minimal requirements make Ad Dynamix quite approachable even though their customer support is poor.

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