Friday, 25 March 2011

How to chat multi ID YM (Multi login Yahoo Messenger )

How to chat multi ID Yahoo Messenger (Yahoo Messenger Multi login). Today we will try to use a free software (freeware yahoo messenger tweaking). This software can perform some configuration on IM applications so that we can open more than one Yahoo Messenger application simultaneously in a same computer, so can chat on ym with multi login using the Yahoo ID from a different email.

There are several configuration options that are available on the software Yahoo Messenger Tweaker:
1. Enable multiple instances, to enable multiple applications can be opened simultaneously YM (yahoo messenger, multi-tasking), check this option if you want to use Multi ID Yahoo messenger
2. Remove Ads, can eliminate the ads or ads on Yahoo Messenger
3. Enable tabs, can activate Tab YM
4. Fix (can not see what I type), can be used to improve the writing on the chat bar user to be able to appear, sometimes because of the conflict or software compatibility problems when the text chat does not appear, you can use this feature to display the article in the chat window
5. Save password for ID, useful store passwords and Yahoo Messenger
6. Rename titlebar, change the title titlebar
7. Change login animation, animated images change login YM
8. Clear status messages, clear the status messages

To be able to login with multiple ID in Yahoo Messenger, check the Enable multiple instances then the Apply button. If successful then you can open more than apilkasi Yahoo Messenger simultaneously. So can chat multi ID YM software can work on Yahoo messenger version 8, 9, 10.

If you interest using this software , can download here Multi login Yahoo Messenger

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  1. postingan yg bgs,
    mas saya fans blog2 mas
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  2. muhammed sekertekin14 October 2011 at 04:49

    Hi guys try this using your registry editor

    1. Go to Start > Run . Type regedit, then hit enter .

    2.Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER - > Software >yahoo >pager >Test

    3.On the right pane , right-click and choose new Dword value .

    4.Rename it as Plural.

    5.Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.

    then close it.. open your messenger twice.. then login your 2 accounts..


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