Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan)

One of the mathematical functions that can be used in the microsoft excel is trigonometric functions. some of these trigonometric functions is to calculate the sine (sin), cosine (cos) or tangent (tan) of a corner.

In order to more easily able to see the example below:

1. Create a table:


2. the color table gray background will be filled with the formula
a. To calculate the sine value, in cell B4 type the formula:
= SIN ((A4) * PI () / 180)

b. To calculate the sine value, in cell C4 type formula:
= COS ((A4) * PI () / 180)

c. To calculate the sine value, in the D4 cell type formula:
= TAN ((A4) * PI () / 180)

sin cos tan

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