Thursday, 18 June 2009

How to create a page hit counter in blog

There may be among friends who know how to make the page hit counter in blog. useful to know the web pages have been opened to how many times. So easy for us to know that the your web or blog visited many other people, or not. There are many websites that provide hit counter script, you only need to register your site (blog) to their site, if it is approved then we will get a script that can be installed in the sidebar (gadget) blog.

Procedure to create page hit counter is:

1. Click the link below to register
Free page hit counter

Fill in the registration sheet on the counter and select the HTML type, select the Counter style you want to use, then click the "Create My Account>>"

2. If approved you will get a script like below, copy this scriptcopy this script will insert to your blog

3. On the following page, click the "add gadget"

4. In the list box, select HTML / JavaScript

5. Enter the script before you copy, as below

Click the "Save" button

Please see the changes on your blog, if successful it will be hit counter appear in the sidebar.

Examples can be seen in the sidebar of this blog

Some links that you can use to get the script page hit counter:

if you want to look for other page hit counter that can be search here
free page hit counter

1 comment:

  1. mas tukar link ea???
