Friday, 4 December 2009

Windows PE Live CD

Microsoft Windows Pre-installation Environment (Windows PE) is a powerful replacement for the Microsoft MS-DOS operating system in your deployment processes, test and diagnostic tool development, and system recovery processes. Windows PE is a minimal Windows system that provides limited services based on the Windows XP Professional and the Windows Server 2003 kernels. It also provides the minimal set of features required to run Windows Setup, access and install operating systems from the network, script basic repetitive tasks, and validate hardware.

The WinPE does not require a hard drive to boot; it can run solely from a CD drive using the memory for dynamic data. This feature makes the WinPE appealing for data recovery and system maintenance purposes.

However, in the market, there isn't the Windows Pre-installation Environment for sale. You can use software named BartPE to produce the WinPE.

Download Windows PE

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