Monday, 21 November 2011

How to calculate logarithm addition and logarithm multiplication in excel

How to calculate logarithm addition and logarithm multiplication in excel. By using Microsoft Excel, in addition  to calculate logarithm reduction and log division. Can also be done multiplication and addition of logarithms. In this post the process of logarithm addition and logarithm multiplication refers to the properties of logarithms as below:

ª log a = 1
ª log 1 = 0
ª ⁿ = n log a
ª ⁿ log b = log b n • ª
log ª ª b • c = log b + log c ª
ª log b / c = ª log b - log c ª
ª ⁿ m = m log b / log b n • ª
ª a ÷ b = log b log a
ª b log log b • c • d = c log log d ª
ª b = c log log log a b c ÷

Before applying the formula logarithms , we need using syntax of logarithm in excel as :
LOG (number, base)

Number is the positive real number for which you want the logarithm.
Base is the base of the logarithm. If base is omitted, it is assumed to be 10

One of the properties of logarithms to be used is
log ª ª b • c = log b + log c ª
In order to more easily implement it, can follow the following procedure:
1. Create the table below
Columns A, B, C will contain the data, with a logarithmic base and  number
Colum D and colum W will filled with logarithm formula

2. calculation of logarithms
a. logarithmic multiplication
In cell D3 enter the formula
= LOG (B4 * C4, A4)
b. The sum of logarithms
In cell E3 ,type the formula
= LOG (B4, A4) + LOG (C4, A4)

You can download example file in xls format here logarithm multiplication


  1. what can i do after do the sum. is it any work of computer i am not a good worker in this work. i do not know about this computer. can you help me? to say this.


  2. Nice working system If you need any information you can here
